Sociological Perspectives¶
You are embarking on a fascinating journey as you learn to see, think, and analyze yourself and the world around you from a sociological perspective. This lesson invites you to see, think, and analyze from a sociological perspective. It provides a brief overview of the historical and intellectual development of sociology, along with describing how sociology is similar to and different from other social sciences. The lesson ends with a discussion of new theoretical approaches within the discipline. The tools presented here will help you build a foundation for new knowledge and insights into social life.
Learning Objectives¶
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
Define key terms related to the discipline of sociology.
Compare the major sociological theories.
Have experience conducting sociological research.
Be sure to hand these assignments in this week
Inquizitive Sociological Perspectives (Thursday at 9:30am)
Twenty Statements application submitted on Sakai (Sunday at 10:00pm)
Jonestown reflection (Sunday at 10:00pm)
Class Lecture. Recorded 1/26. Slides
Discuss: Jonestown¶
award-winning filmmakers Stanley Nelson, Marcia Smith, and Noland Walker reveal the true, tragic story behind enigmatic preacher Jim Jones and his promise of a world of economic and racial equality that ultimately led to the largest mass murder-suicide in history. This documentary tells the story of the people who joined Peoples Temple, following Jones from Indiana to California and ultimately to their deaths in Guyana in November 1978. PBS
We will use the documentary film Jonestown: the life and death of Peoples Temple as an opportunity to identify and evaluate concepts related to the fundamentals of sociology. We will watch it together during class.
Be sure to have the movie ready to go at the start of class.
Login to the course Slack by 9:30am and say hi to your group!
If you have any questions at all about what you are supposed to do on this assignment, please remember I am here to help. Reach out any time so I can support your success.
Post it in the Slack #lesson-sociological-perspectives channel!
Signup for virtual office hours!
Email me or your TA.
Lesson Keywords¶
Social Darwinism
Structural Functionalism
Mechanical Solidarity
Organic Solidarity
Manifest Functions
Latent Functions
Conflict Theory
Social inequality
Critical theory
Critical race theory
Feminist theory
Queer theory
Iron Cage
Symbolic Interactionism
The least you need to know¶
Extra Resources¶
Social theories overview (part 1) (Khan Academy)
Social theories overview (part 2) (Khan Academy)
Functionalism (Khan Academy)
Conflict theory (Khan Academy)
Social constructionism (Khan Academy)
Symbolic interactionism (Khan Academy)
Macro and Micro (Khan Academy)
Introduction to Sociology (A Sociology Experiment)
Durkheim (A Sociology Experiment)
Marx (A Sociology Experiment)
Weber (A Sociology Experiment)
Intro to Soc Week 1: Sociological History (Professor Melendez)