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Midterm Exam

The midterm exam is Tuesday, March 9th.

The exam is open-book and administered on Sakai. You will have 75 minutes to complete the exam, not including ARS accommodations. You may not communicate with anyone about the contents of the exam on the day of the exam.

There are three major types of questions. The first set of questions are similar to those on InQuizitive, so practice there. The lesson key words cover what I think are the core concepts in each chapter, so these are particularly important to know. The second type of question is similar to Case Studies, so be sure to practice and review your approach. There is a Case Study due this week, so be sure to complete it before the exam, so you have that additional opportunity to practice. Finally, there will be questions that ask you to make connections between the films and course concepts. They don’t require detailed knowledge of each scene, but be sure to be familiar with the major themes of each film shown.